2020 Global Solutions Forum

The second edition of the Global Solutions Forum (GSF) convened 8 inspiring SDG actors from the SDSN global network for rapid-fire presentations where they shared progress, highlighted victories, and inspired all of us to keep moving forward.
The event featured creative ways of active engagement for all participants, ensuring a truly interconnected atmosphere that spanned the globe in real-time. With digital breakout rooms, exhibit halls, and 1:1 networking spaces, there were ample occasions for valuable networking and the exchange of opportunities for scale-up. Technology allowed for participants to connect across boundaries and barriers thus making the Global Solutions Forum an event true to its name.
The GSF 2020 was a state-of-the-art virtual 2-day event that stood out in the inclusivity of global audiences, connectedness of different stakeholders, and innovativeness of the presented solutions. For the 2020 edition, eight SDSn networks have been carefully selected to form a regionally and thematically diverse set of speakers.
It united civil society, business leaders, policymakers, scientists, and non-governmental actors for an event full of opportunities for action on all scales.
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Solutions from the 2020 Global Solutions Forum
Age-Friendly City Project
Network: SDSN Hong Kong
Population ageing is expected to have a profound impact on the socio-economic conditions in Hong Kong. Society should get prepared for this demographic challenge to ensure good health and well-being of our citizens, as well as make our city and community inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“JCAF”) was launched to take a proactive role in responding to the challenges and opportunities or ageing population, aiming to build Hong Kong into an age-friendly city to help older people extend their healthy and active years of life and enjoy more fulfilling lives.
Chinampa Refuge to Conserve Axolotls in a Sustainable Xochimilco
Network: SDSN Mexico
Habitat restoration is crucial to conserve native species | such as the axolotl in Mexico City. It can be achieved by recovering chinampería, the traditional and sustainable agriculture in Mexico’s valley. Our “chinampa-refuge” model promotes a symbiotic | relationship between the axolotl and chinamperia. It increases economic benefits for local farmers and helps return to sustainable agriculture, reduce land-use change to urban areas, maintain the wetland ecosystem, native species, and local culture.The refuge re-establishes the internationally recognized activity carried out since ancestral times in the Xochimilco wetland.
Connected Multipurpose Collaborative Clusters for an Integrated Ecosystem to Leverage Carbon Neutrality
Network: SDSN Belgium
Large knowledge networks are difficult to align and manage, risking to lose scientific progress due to lack of detailed insights and effective communication. To achieve success we created multipurpose well-connected and integrated clusters that are small but through their connection keep an integrated view and leverage our impact towards a carbon neutral industry and society by balancing all aspects.
Dialogue of Scientific Advisory Councils
Network: SDSN Germany
“Politicians often argue that science itself is not in agreement. To foster debate across the various scientific advisory boards of the Federal Government, government agencies and ministries on crosscutting issues, the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 and SDSN Germany have established an innovative dialogue. The Dialogue of the Scientific Advisory Councils pools the strengths of the participating institutions to inform and motivate political decision-makers to take more decisive action. By bridging silos, this dialogue accelerates the innovation process and action towards the SDGs on an international level.”
Ecocup Film Festival
Network: SDSN Russia
This solution fights misinformation and myths on climate change, energy, and the environment with an engaging format for science-based data and information. The film testival combines green documentary online film screenings all over the world with talks with scientists, politicians, business people and activists to disseminate information and facilitate conversation across all groups of society.
Professionalizing the Pig Value Chain to achieve the SDGs in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Network: SDSN Great Lakes
Livestock contributes 25-30% of the agricultural GDP of developing countries and is expected to rise further. While consumption of pig products has grown, production has not been able to meet demand. This has led to malnutrition and reliance on imports. By professionalizing the pig value chain, this project aims to lift smallholder livestock farmers out of poverty, provide an additional source of nutrition and create jobs in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Prima Observatory on Innovation (POI)
Network: SDSN Mediterranean
Innovation is considered one of the most important drivers of change for sustainable development. Small enterprises in the agri-food sector often struggle with access to the latest information. POl offers companies the opportunity to engage and adopt technological, organizational and social Innovation. The IT platform gathers best practices from high-performing companies, research and academia, innovators, and other professionals. Like that, companies can learn new practices, get to know new products, understand the relevance of sustainability as core of the business and benefit from specialized and scientific support of researchers and innovators.
SDGs in Action: The SDGs as a Tool for Change
Network: SDSN Australia
SDSN Australia, NZ & Pacific’s “SDGs Action” initiative is looking at how the SDG framework can be used for better and more ambitious planning and decision making on sustainable development by governments, businesses, communities, universities, and others. It’s collecting and showcasing case studies of innovative projects and extracting transferable learnings, aiming to be a source of inspiration and capacity building for others across all sectors in our region and beyond.